11.11.2016 16:58:00
SRLEV NV -- Moody's upgrades to Baa2 the financial strength rating on Vivat NV's operating subsidiaries with a stable outlook
London, 11 November 2016 -- Moody's Investors Service has today upgraded the insurance financial strength rating (IFSR) to Baa2 from Baa3 of SRLEV NV ("SRLEV") and REAAL Schadeverzekeringen NV ("Reaal Schade"), the two main operating subsidiaries of VIVAT N.V. ("Vivat", unrated). Moody's has also upgraded the backed subordinated and backed junior subordinate debt ratings of SRLEV to Ba1(hyb) from Ba2(hyb), reflecting standard notching for hybrid debt issued by operating companies. The outlook on all entities changed to stable from positive.