03.09.2013 20:55:00

Pennsylvania Act 150 S.D. Intercept Program -- Moody's withdraws programmatic rating on Pennsylvania Act 150 School District Intercept Program in conjunction with release of new methodology

New York, September 03, 2013 -- Moody's has updated the enhanced ratings for 160 issuers and withdrawn enhanced ratings on 38 issuers participating in the Pennsylvania State Act 150 School District Intercept Program in conjunction with the release of the revised methodology, "State Aid Intercept Programs and Financing: Pre and Post Default." At this time, Moody's has also withdrawn the programmatic rating on the Pennsylvania Act 150 School District Intercept Program in accordance with the new methodology. The enhanced rating outlooks of the 160 issuers are no longer under review. The outlooks vary by issuer (see link below.)

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