18.07.2016 18:54:00
Duke Energy Int'l Geracao Paranapanema SA -- Moody's assigns Aa1.br rating to Duke Paranapanema's BRL 160 million debentures
Sao Paulo, July 18, 2016 -- Moody's America Latina Ltda (Moody's) assigned a Ba2 local currency rating on the global scale and a Aa1.br local currency rating on Brazil's national scale to the two-year BRL160 million senior unsecured debentures to be issued by Duke Energy International Geraçao Paranapanema S.A. (Duke Paranapanema) in the local market. At the same time, Moody's affirmed Duke Paranapanema's Ba2/Aa1.br issuer ratings and the Ba2/Aa1.br ratings on Duke Paranapanema's existing debentures with a current outstanding balance of BRL1.1 billion. The outlook remains negative for all ratings.