16.02.2016 20:43:00

Aguila 3 S.A. -- Moody's assigns definitive ratings to Swissport following the closing of the acquisition by HNA

London, 16 February 2016 -- Moody's Investors Service today assigned a B3 corporate family rating ("CFR") and a B3-PD probability of default rating to Swissport Group S.A.R.L.. Additionally, Moody's has assigned a B1 definitive rating to the EUR660 million term loan B ("TLB"), a B1 definitive rating to the EUR400 million senior secured notes ("SSN"), and a Caa1 definitive rating to the EUR290 million senior notes ("SN") issued by Swissport Investments S.A.. Moody's has also assigned a B1 definitive rating to the new CHF110 million revolving credit facility issued by Swissport International AG.

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