28.08.2013 23:28:00
Global Private Label Trends and Packaging Innovation, 2013 - A review of the current trends, drivers and developments in private label and their impact on packaging innovation and design
NEW YORK, Aug. 28, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Reportlinker.com announces that a new market research report is available in its catalogue:
Global Private Label Trends and Packaging Innovation, 2013 - A review of the current trends, drivers and developments in private label and their impact on packaging innovation and design
Product Synopsis
- "Global Private Label Trends and Packaging Innovation, 2013" is a detailed analysis of and insight into recent packaging innovations in the global private label market within the Food, Beverages and Health and Beauty industries, related to key trends, drivers, and issues.
- The report is a result of extensive research to provide a comprehensive understanding of the global private label market and packaging consumption; this clearly establishes market trends, packaging dynamics, and areas of future growth.
Introduction and Landscape
Why was the report written?
The constantly changing nature of consumers' and retailers private label demand makes it difficult for those involved in the packaging industry to understand exactly which sectors and regions will be the focus of future growth. This report clarifies and quantifies future demand patterns and the types of innovations best placed to exploit them, so packaging manufactures and suppliers can plan for the future in confidence.
What is the current market landscape and what is changing?
Consumer demand for private label products varies greatly from a large, stable market in Western Europe and Food to small, emerging markets in Latin America and Health and Beauty.
What are the key drivers behind recent market changes?
Packaging suppliers need to react to the changing demands of customers and retailers in order to plan for the future. It's not all low cost, low quality products. Retailers are now positioning private label products in direct competition with national brands and in some cases as improvements over them without the additional costs.
What makes this report unique and essential to read?
This report provides a comprehensive analysis of the private label landscape, including a mix of private label market data related to recent and future packaging innovations, which are identified across 3 main industries: Food, Health and Beauty and Beverages, along with results of a survey of leading players in the packaging industry.
Key Features and Benefits
Detailed coverage of key packaging innovations across global private label markets. Pack materials and components covered include rigid plastics, flexible plastics, paper and board, rigid metal, glass, closures, labels and adhesives.
Growth in private labels and growth in demand for private label packaging are analyzed in the Food, Health and Beauty and Beverages sectors.
Packaging innovations are related to four identified private label strategies: Low cost value, Value for money duplicate products, Differentiation, and Quality leadership.
Demand for private label packaging is forecast for 2007-2017 by industry and region.
Key Market Issues
Private label strategies are increasingly varied in mature markets such as the UK and the US. While there still remains a place for low cost, basic quality goods such as Walmart's "Great Value" range, it is becoming common to see private label ranges across a variety of price points as retailers attempt to differentiate their brands from national brands (such as Tesco's "Goodness" healthy food for kids range) as well as compete directly with them (such as Mercadona's "Hacendado" juices in Spain).
Innovation in packaging is key to updating the image of private label products being followers rather than leaders. Private label is a great vehicle for launching packaging innovations as decision making processes are much shorter with retailers than with brand manufacturers.
Although value ranges still exist, private label products have developed quality ranges as they are able to work with local suppliers and can monitor and guarantee provenance, this has been especially important with recent food scares.
The core consumer sector, as far as private label is concerned, remains Food, whilst Health and Beauty will be the rising star in terms of future market potential. There is limited growth potential for Beverages over the next five years as far as private label is concerned, as brand manufacturers have a far more entrenched position in many mainstream soft drink and beer categories.
Key Highlights
In established markets retailers are drawing their private label products together with pack designs and labeling as a single Private Label range such as Tesco's "Essentials".
Perception of product quality for premium private label ranges is being established by using quality pack formats and designer labeling rather than white label, basic font products associated with value ranges, such as "Presidents Choice" by Loblaws.
Canadean's April 2013 survey of key packaging industry experts confirmed that the main influence on private label development came from the hypermarkets and hard discounter store formats. However, most experts agreed that private label products are no longer perceived as cheap, no frills, low quality brands, but are now ranked on a par with national brands.
1 Executive Summary
2 Key Drivers in the Global Private Label Market
2.1 Private Label Provides Benefits throughout the Supply Chain
2.1.1 Product Manufacturers
2.1.2 Packaging converters and co-packers
2.1.3 Retailers and distributors
2.1.4 Consumers
2.2 Private labels are increasingly important to retailers
2.3 The Growth of Modern Retail Formats is Boosting Growth in Emerging Markets
2.4 Private Label Strategies are Increasingly Varied
2.4.1 Private Labels Have Evolved into a Brand
2.4.2 Packaging Must Evolve Alongside Changes in Perceptions of Private Label Products
2.5 Packaging is Key to Improving the Quality Perception of Private Label
3 Overview of Private Label Markets and Regional Trends
3.1 Note on Measures and Units
3.2 Global Markets for Food, Health and Beauty and Beverages
3.3 Private Label Penetration by Industry
3.3.1 Food and Health and Beauty are the Key Private Label Opportunities
3.3.2 Meat is the Largest Private Label Food Sector
3.3.3 Skincare has the Highest Private Label Consumption in Health and Beauty
3.3.4 Packaged Water is the Largest Private Label Market in Beverages
3.4 Private Label Penetration by Industry and Geography
3.4.1 Latin America and Asia are the Fastest Growing Regions for Private Label Food
3.4.2 Private Label Health and Beauty Sales are Growing Rapidly in Latin America
3.4.3 Eastern Europe will Record the Fastest Private Label Growth in Beverages
3.5 Penetration by Country by Sector
3.5.1 The US has the largest Private Label Food Market in the World
3.5.2 Spain has the Highest Private Label Health and Beauty Market Share
3.5.3 Private Label Beverages are Increasing their Market Share in Spain
3.6 Main Channels for the Distribution of Private Label
3.6.1 Food and Health and Beauty
3.6.2 Beverages
4 Future Packaging Demand for Private Label Products
4.1 Note on Forecasting Private Label Packaging to 2017
4.2 Private Label Packaging Demand by Industry
4.2.1 Base Line Scenario
4.2.2 Scenario 1: All industries to achieve at least 2012 average private label penetration by 2017
4.2.3 Scenario 2: All industries to achieve at least the leading 2012 private label penetration by 2017
4.3 Private Label Packaging Demand by Region
4.3.1 Base Line Scenario
4.3.2 Scenario 3: All regions to achieve at least 2012 average private label penetration by 2017
4.3.3 Scenario 4: All regions to achieve at least the leading 2012 private label penetration by 2017
5 Targeting Private Label Strategies
5.1 There are 4 Core Strategy Elements to Private Label for Retailers
5.1.1 Low Cost Value Ranges
5.1.2 High Value for Money: imitation of national brands at a lower price
5.1.3 Differentiation: focusing on specific health benefits
5.1.4 Quality Leadership: extending quality beyond known brands
5.1.5 Brands need to respond to the advance of Private Labels
5.2 Private Label Packaging Innovation by Strategies
5.2.1 Value Range
5.2.2 High Value for Money
5.2.3 Differentiation
5.2.4 Quality Leadership
6 Packaging Survey
6.1 Overview
6.2 Retailer Influence over Private Label Packaging
6.3 Opinions about Private Label Packaging
7 Appendix
7.1 Country Coverage and Regional Groupings
7.2 Product Definitions
7.3 Packaging Definitions
7.3.1 Primary Packaging
7.3.2 Outer Packaging
7.3.3 Pack Closures
7.4 About Canadean
7.5 Disclaimer
List of Tables
Table 1: Summary of Private Label Packaging Demand Forecast (Units Million), 2012 and 2017
Table 2: Global Retail Market Value for Food and Health and Beauty (US$ million) and Global Retail Market Volume for Beverages (Liters million), 2009-2012
Table 3: Historic Growth of the Global Private Label Market (%), 2009-2012
Table 4: Top Global Food Sectors by Private Label Value (US$ million), 2009-2012
Table 5: Top Global Health and Beauty Sectors by Private Label Value (US$ million), 2009-2012
Table 6: Top Global Beverages Sectors by Private Label Volume (Liters million), 2009-2012
Table 7: Food Private Label Value Performance by Region, 2009-2012
Table 8: Health and Beauty Private Label Value Performance by Region, 2009-2012
Table 9: Beverages Private Label Volume Performance by Region 2009-2012
Table 10: Leading Countries for Food by Private Label Value (US$ million), 2009-2012
Table 11: Leading Countries for Health and Beauty by Private Label Value (US$ million) 2009-2012
Table 12: Leading Countries for Beverages by Private Label Volume (Liters million) 2009-2012
Table 13: Value of the Main Private Label Channels for Food and Health and Beauty Products (US$ million), 2009-2012
Table 14: Value of the Main Private Label Channels for Beverages (Liters million) 2009-2012
Table 15: Summary of Private Label Packaging Demand Forecast (Units Million), 2012 and 2017
Table 16: Packaging Demand for Private Label Packaging by Industry (Units million) and Share of Total Packaging Demand (%), 2007-2012
Table 17: Scenario 1: Packaging Demand for Private Label Packaging by Industry (Units million) and Share of Total Packaging Demand (%), 2007-2012
Table 18: Scenario 2: Packaging Demand for Private Label Packaging by Industry (Units million) and Share of Total Packaging Demand (%), 2007-2012
Table 19: Packaging Demand for Private Label Packaging by Region (Units million) and Share of Total Packaging Demand (%), 2007-2012
Table 20: Scenario 3: Packaging Demand for Private Label Packaging by Region (Units million) and Share of Total Packaging Demand (%), 2007-2012
Table 21: Scenario 4: Packaging Demand for Private Label Packaging by Region (Units million) and Share of Total Packaging Demand (%), 2007-2012
Table 22: Countries and Regions
Table 23: Health and Beauty Sector and Category Definitions
Table 24: Food Sector and Category Definitions
Table 25: Beverages Sector and Category Definitions
Table 26: Primary Materials
Table 27: Primary Types
Table 28: Outer Materials
Table 29: Outer Types
Table 30: Closure Materials
Table 31: Closure Types
List of Figures
Figure 1: Global Retail Market Value for Food and Health and Beauty (US$ million) and Global Retail Market Volume for Beverages (Liters million), 2009-2012
Figure 2: Global Private Label Market Share Growth vs. Private Label Market Size Growth (%), 2009-2012, Bubble Size is 2012 Private Label Percentage Share
Figure 3: Top Global Food Sectors by Private Label Value (US$ million), 2009-2012
Figure 4: Private Label Value Growth vs. Branded Value Growth in the Top Global Private Label Food Sectors (%), 2009-2012, Bubble Size is 2012 Private Label Percentage Share
Figure 5: Top Global Health and Beauty Sectors by Private Label Value (US$ million), 2009-2012
Figure 6: Private Label Value Growth vs. Branded Value Growth in the Top Global Private Label Health and Beauty Sectors (%), 2009-2012, Bubble Size is 2012 Private Label Percentage Share
Figure 7: Top Global Beverage Sectors by Private Label Volume (Liters million) 2009-2012
Figure 8: Private Label Value Growth vs. Branded Value Growth in the Top Global Private Label Beverages Sectors (%), 2009-2012, Bubble Size is 2012 Private Label Percentage Share
Figure 9: Food Private Label Value Share Growth (%) vs. Private Label Value Share (%), 2009-2012, Bubble Size is 2012 Private Label Value in US$
Figure 10: Health and Beauty Private Label Value Share Growth (%) vs. Private Label Value Share (%), 2009-2012, Bubble Size is 2012 Private Label Value in US$
Figure 11: Beverages Private Label Value Share Growth (%) vs. Private Label Value Share (%), 2009-2012, Bubble Size is 2012 Private Label Value in Liters
Figure 12: Food Private Label Value by Leading Countries (US$ million), 2012
Figure 13: Food Private Label Value CAGR vs. Branded Value CAGR (%), 2009-2012, Bubble Size is 2012 Private Label Value Percentage Share
Figure 14: Health and Beauty Private Label Value by Leading Countries, (US$ million) 2012
Figure 15: Health and Beauty Private Label Value CAGR vs. Branded Value CAGR (%), 2009-2012, Bubble Size is 2012 Private Label Value Percentage Share
Figure 16: Beverages Private Label Volume by Leading Countries (Liters Million), 2012
Figure 17: Beverages Private Label Volume CAGR vs. Branded Volume CAGR (%), 2009-2012, Bubble Size is 2012 Private Label Volume Percentage Share
Figure 18: Main Private Label Channels for Food and Health and Beauty Products 2009-2012
Figure 19: Main Private Label Channels for Beverages (Liters Million), 2009-2012
Figure 20: Packaging Demand for Private Label Products by Industry Sector (Units million), 2007-2017
Figure 21: Scenario 1: Private Label Packaging Units by Industry (Units million), all industries have a minimum of 9.69% private label share by 2017
Figure 22: Scenario 2: Private Label Packaging Units by Industry (Units million), all industries have a minimum of 10.77% private label share by 2017
Figure 23: Packaging Demand for Private Label Products By Region (Units million), 2007-2017
Figure 24: Scenario 3: Private Label Packaging Units by Region (Units million), all regions have a minimum of 9.69% private label share by 2017
Figure 25: Scenario 4: Private Label Packaging Units by Region (Units million), all regions have a minimum of 20.61% private label share by 2017
Figure 26: Private Label Value Baked Beans in the UK
Figure 27: Standard Mouthwash in the UK: Private Label Ranges vs. Colgate
Figure 28: Sam's Choice from Walmart vs. Dr Pepper
Figure 29: Private Label "Free From" Bread ranges in the UK
Figure 30: Private Label Premium Ranges
Figure 31: Private Label Brands can become brands in their own right
Figure 32: Morrison's M Value range
Figure 33: Tesco Essentials redesign
Figure 34: Walmart's Great Value redesign
Figure 35: Asda's Chosen By You Range using Kodak's Flexcel NX printing
Figure 36: Loblaw's Private Label Brand "Presidents Choice" wins design awards
Figure 37: Mercadona Hacendado relaunches using Pure-Pak Curve
Figure 38: Private Label Foods Inc. uses PET Bottles from TircorBraun for Dressings
Figure 39: Kirkwood Rotating Labels
Figure 40: Asda Snap and Squeeze
Figure 41: West Liberty Peel and Reseal
Figure 42: Safeway's Ice Cream Packaging
Figure 43: Sainsbury's net Apple Pack
Figure 44: Tesco Range Redesign
Figure 45: Waitrose LOVE Life brand
Figure 46: New Packaging for the Tesco Fresh Soup range
Figure 47: Tesco's Juice Bar
Figure 48: Tesco Brand Pro Formula
Figure 49: Publix Frozen Treats
Figure 50: MandS Lightweight Packaging
Figure 51: Waitrose Menu Range with narrower sleeve and lacquered aluminum trays
Figure 52: Waitrose Good to Go Range
Figure 53: Waitrose Flow Wrap Packaging for Meat
Figure 54: Asda's Steaming New Potatoes
Figure 55: Retailer Influence on Private Label Development 2013 - Private Label Group
Figure 56: Retailer Influence on Private Label Development, 2013 - Non Private Label Group
Figure 57: Opinions on Private Label Development 2013 - Private Label Group
Figure 58: Opinions on Private Label Development 2013 - Non Private Label Group
Companies Mentioned
Ahold, Aldi, Amcor Flexibles, Asda, Boots, Carrefour, Coca-Cola, Colgate, Dr Pepper, The Future Group, Hypernova, It's Fresh, Kaufland, Kirkwood, Kodak, Lianhua, Lidl, Loblaw, Marks and Spencer, Mercadona, Migros, Morrisons, Nescafe, Private Label Foods, Procter and Gamble, Publix, Pure-Pak, Safeway, Sainsbury's, Tata Group, Tesco, Trent, TricorBraun, Unimarc VCG-Parachute, Waitrose, Walgreens, Walmart, West Liberty Foods.
To order this report:
Consumer_Trends Industry: Global Private Label Trends and Packaging Innovation, 2013 - A review of the current trends, drivers and developments in private label and their impact on packaging innovation and design
Contact Clare: clare@reportlinker.com
US:(339) 368 6001
Intl:+1 339 368 6001
SOURCE Reportlinker

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